Thursday, August 24, 2023

Dark and sinister man, have at thee - GLOG Duelling Styles

Answering Locheil's challenge here.

Loch's original post mentioned Lessons that some fighting styles had, but didn't elaborate on them. I interpreted them as extra special bonuses you could gain once mastering all techniques within a given style. I leave it up to the DM how they are acquired, probably via questing.

Ψ - Gloriam
Style of the de Voltenes, an aasimar noble family descended from ancient heroes, now sadly degenerate and impious - their youngest son rumoured to have been born a tiefling as divine punishment and sent to the New World aboard a slave barge to save the family's face. Requires the use of a silvered blade.

  1. Technique: Ave Igna - Shout a holy word aloud as you execute a lunging fleché and the wound site sparks on contact - your attack causes fire damage on a hit, and may set flammable things alight.
  2. Stance: Pinhead Dance - As long as you have an elegant weapon in hand, you cannot lose your balance no matter how narrow or unsure the surface you stand upon. What is considered elegant changes with fashion and circumstance, but in general; rapier yes, thousand-folded eastern disembowelling scimitar yes, sledgehammer no, lochaber axe no.
  3. Technique: Speculum Solis - Use the mirror-polished surface of your silvered sword to dazzle your foe. Target must Save or be blinded for one round, in addition to being stabbed. Only useable outdoors in the daytime or with an equivalent source of light - a Daylight spell is fine.
  4. Stance: Immaculate - You cannot be muddied, bloodied, dusted, splattered or moistened by the to-and-fro of combat. Mostly this is just showing off, but exceptionally useful when fighting things that have acid for blood, emit gouts of spores when poked, or other such nonsense.

Lesson of Gloriam: On Angel's Wings - At will you may change your body weight to be equivalent to the weight of your sin. The DM will judge how sinful you are, based on past conduct. A truly light soul can fall like a feather and skip across the surface of a pond with a few dainty taps of their toes to propel them. A thoroughly wicked soul cracks pavement tiles when they tread and could make a carthorse strain to pull them from where they stand.

Ψ - Calcolo
Enthusiastic application of the skills taught at the Drezelli School of Mathematics, whose students can be found in most wine bars after exam-season, gleefully taking eachother apart with algorithmic precision. 
Requires the use of a cubit rod in the offhand.

  1. Technique: Point Control - You can never roll lower than your last attack roll in this combat. i.e. If you rolled an 11 one round, and 7 the next, your second roll is considered to have been an 11. The next round your minimum roll would be 7.
  2. Technique: Measure Twice - If you win initiative, you may choose to let your opponent act before you. If you do, ignore any bonus to their AC that comes from any type of armour that has gaps - including scales and the like.
  3. Stance: Music of the Primes - When your attack roll comes up 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 or 19, you deal an additional 1 point of damage, even if the attack would not otherwise hit.
  4. Stance: Long Division - The AC you get from Panache is doubled versus arrows and hurled daggers and the like as long as you have not moved in the past round. Seeming to cross an infinite number of divisions between you and the archer, they are very easy to swat aside.
Lesson of Calcolo: Number of the Beast - At the start of each day you have done at least two of the following things the night before that are pleasing to the Devil;
  1. Got riotously drunk.
  2. Played a game of probability for money.
  3. Attended a lecture on one of the natural sciences.
  4. Got in a fight.
...roll a d6. You may add or subtract the result of that d6 from any roll you or another makes today, after which it is discarded. If you roll a 6, keep it and roll another d6, up to a total of three dice.

Ψ - Lirippé
Discrete cloak-fighting style popularised by Antigonese Bladewards, designed to neutralise assassins hiding among the fashionable set to target their masters. Requires a cloak or cape of fine quality.
  1. Technique: Clean the Blade - An envenomed weapon that attacks you and misses has its poison wiped clean on your cloak.
  2. Technique: Toro! - You may apply your Panache bonus to AC to another person within arm's reach. You do not personally benefit from it in any round you use this technique. If you know Clean the Blade, you may apply it on attacks you intercept this way.
  3. Technique: Olé! - You may Parry against attacks directed at another person within arm's reach.
  4. Stance: Capa y Espada - While in this stance anyone carrying a concealed weapon must make an opposed Wisdom check or you know exactly what they're carrying, and when you Riposte you may choose to disarm your opponent instead of attacking.
Lesson of Lirippé: The Horns - If you die in defence of another, you have a 2 in 6 chance of instead miraculously pulling through, leaving you on 1hp.

Ψ - SoÞwide
Personal style of the wide-eyed barbarian turned sanctioned witch-hunter Aethelwulf the Questioner, who loathes wizards and takes grim delight in putting them to the question.
  1. Technique: Fear & Surprise - If you win initiative on the first round of combat you can backstab your target for +4 to Attack and double damage, providing you have enough movement to run up behind them.
  2. Stance: Ruthless Efficiency - You deal +2 damage to anyone who has Magic Dice.
  3. Stance: Fanatical Devotion - If you are charmed or otherwise mentally compelled the one who charmed you takes d6 psychic damage every round the effect remains active.
  4. Stance: Scarlet Robed - While garbed in cardinal's red you add your [level] to Saves vs. unholy magics. This includes most necromancy, all demonology and anything from a witch's spell list, but not fireballs and lightning bolts and the like.
Lesson of SoÞwide: The Question - You have permanent sanpaku eyes. When you defeat someone you may scream a question in their face, they must Save or answer as honestly as they can before they are removed from combat.

Ψ - Scytta
A style of archery perfected by outlaw poachers and bandit woodsmen of the Stonewood Forest, rumoured to have made deals with druids and witches to keep their brigand villages hidden from outsiders. Requires the use of a longbow and stone-headed arrows.
  1. Technique: Stag-Piercer - Add your Strength modifier to damage with bowshots within Close range.
  2. Technique: Legs & Eyes - Ignore cover penalties from any shields smaller than a pavise.
  3. Stance: Hunter's Eye - Each round you spend aiming, reduce the effective range bracket of the target by one step.
  4. Stance: Wind Wyrd - Ignore weather-related penalties to shooting, even in howling winds and torrential rain you can find just the right place to put an arrow in the air such that the wind will carry it where you want it. Supernatural weather may force you to make a Save to oppose it, but you still can.
Lesson of Scytta: Fruit of the Yew - Given a day to forage in a forested environment you can manufacture a single poison arrow that deals 4d6 damage or 2d6 on a successful Save. You can have as many poison arrows in existence at any one time as you have Templates.

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