The GLOG is going through a bit of a bandwagon again, this is mine.
The Erĝeshmál are a rumour, albeit a persistant one - a hidden cabal of fanatic-assassins whose origin stretches back to the very beginning of the Latterine Church, when the message of the Latter Prophet was scorned and its followers subjected to all manner of persecution and humiliation. The Erĝeshmál (from the Sassálid "fangs of prophecy") protected the faithful from organised pogroms and official censures through covert assassination, guided by a whisper network of hidden Latterines in the servants' chambers of a thousand palaces and, it is claimed, by inspired visions. This is history though, and the Latterine Church waxes strong across the surface of the World - there is no more reason for borderline heresies the likes of the Erĝeshmál to exist; with half the world's crowns bowing to the Deiarch on her throne in Súnelamar, what use would she have for a few silent knives in the dark?
Class: Church Assassin
You are a member of a hidden cabal of killers whose hands are guided by prophecy. You have never studied the blade, no-one taught you how to scale castle walls or pick locks, how to hide in plain sight or the secret evil ways by which men can be seperated from their souls quickly and efficiently. You need know none of these dreadful, sinful things that uproot the rightful order of creation. You spent your time in prayer, supplication and denial so that when the time came that you were needed angels would guide your hands far more surely than any training.
Starting Skill: None.
Equipment: Beggar's rags (as normal clothing, +1 to Reaction Rolls to be ignored), bronze alms bowl, bronze kitchen knife (light weapon in your hands, d3 in another's (see "Needful Things" below)), rosary (strung on garotte wire, +1d4 to grappling damage), d6 silver pieces and d6x10 copper pieces.
Every Template gives +1 Portent Die
A: Needful Things, Portents
B: The Call, +1d6 Critical Damage
C: On Angel's Wings
D: The Appointed Time, +1d6 Critical Damage
A: Needful Things
You are not proficient in any weapons or armour. However, you can wield any object of appropriate size as a light or medium weapon, even if it isn't intended as one. You can also expend a Portent of Success to automatically find any mundane equipment item somewhere in your immediate surroundings, no matter how unlikely. Items acquired this way will somehow be lost or stolen by the end of the day.
A: Portents
Your movements are clumsy, artless and imprecise, yet somehow your knife finds its way past the thickest armour and the most practiced defences while your foe's most deft blows are somehow turned by sudden stumbles and distractions, as if some unseen puppeteer guided you.
At the start of the day roll a number of Portent Dice (d6s). Each die that rolls a 1-3 grants you a Portent of Failure, while each that rolls 4-6 grants a Portent of Success. Rolls of 1 and 6 explode, granting their Portent of Failure/Success as normal and being rerolled for another.
You may expend a Portent of Failure to cause someone within your line of sight to fail a roll of your choice, as an interrupt. You must have some way of influencing them, even if as little as a whistle or a thrown pebble at the right moment.
You may expend a Portent of Success to automatically succeed at some roll you or another within line of sight are required to make. As above, you must have some way of influencing the target if it is not yourself. When used for attack rolls this counts as a Critical Hit.
B: The Call
When setting out on a mission, dungeon delve, quest or what-have-you you may pray for guidance. Ask the DM "Is there someone here who the gods wish me to kill?", and he will answer with a vision of their face and rough location - enough to narrow it down to within one quadrant of a given dungeon floor. If you kill them you may regain all your expended Portents.
C: On Angel's Wings
When someone attacks you and misses, either naturally or because of a Portent of Failure, they suffer d6 coincidental damage as they sprain their ankles, stumble into your weapon, crack their head on nearby objects or some other such improbable bungle. If their failure was a result of a natural 1, they instead take your Critical Damage.
D: The Appointed Time
This is what you have been preparing for, the reason you were placed upon the World.
First of all, you apprehend the true name Dust, and may teach it to sorcerers if you wish, they will expect to have to do you a great service in return. Aiding and abetting sorcerers is a sinful act, but you may assume special dispensation in service of a greater good.
Secondly, you are immune to sorcerous commands directed at yourself - your actions are not your own, so the word of Man has no control over you.
Finally; once, ever, you may declare a single target within your line of sight your destined kill. If there is any possibility of you even being able to deal them damage, the next time you successfully attack them they die. The archvillain can be right in the middle of his big climactic speech before his assembled minions and you run out of the crowd and clock him in the temple with a rock and he falls down dead. No save, no nothing; dead dead DEAD. Furthermore, their soul becomes entangled with your own - they cannot be ressurected, reincarnated or the like without you being physically present at the ritual, and if you die before then their soul is carried off to final judgement with you, never to be reborn again. If, however, they are not able to be harmed by any weapon or resource you currently have access to - you've wasted your chance.
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