Dolmenwood has a very nice expanded equipment list, with sub-pages for dogs, horses, pipeweed, food and drink, herbs and fungi and more besides. What it doesn't have is firearms. And while some may argue that they don't fit in a medieval folkloric game, I'd say that any setting featuring themes of civilisation encroaching on nature is ripe for gunsmoke, and a werewolf is always best disposed of with a silver bullet. Plus, as G. R. Michael has pointed out, guns are older than plate armour.
A Drune Cottager reminds you whose land you're on. |
Firearms have a small but significant history in Dolmenwood, they were first carried to the region by crusaders of the Pluritine Church during the Triple Compact. These early matchlock handgonnes and cannons had a number of properties that made them exquisitely useful during the war to banish the Cold Prince - the blasting fire of gunpowder was anathema to the Prince and his court's cold magic, the noise and flash of their muzzles terrified the dangerous animals of the wood into staying clear of the battlefields and dispersed fae cavalry, and few things sting an elf quite like a slug of raw iron ore from the barrel of a handgonne. Though this time is all but myth, the practice of gunnery remained and was adapted by many of Dolmenwood's inhabitants ever since. Woldish firearms are inevitably artisanal, and frequently heirloom items. No large gun forges exist and only Castle Brackenwolde has the resources necessary to cast cannon, leaving the crafting of new guns exclusively as bespoke items by the wood's rare gunsmiths and the occasional hobbyist.
Weapon |
Cost |
Damage |
Weight |
Size |
Qualities |
Pistol |
50gp |
2d6 |
20 |
Small |
Missile (50′ / 100′ / 150′), Reload, Armour Piercing |
Musket |
125gp |
2d8 |
100 |
Medium |
Missile (80′ / 160′ / 240′), Reload, Armour Piercing |
Prigwort Blunderbuss |
160gp |
d10 |
100 |
Medium |
Cone 9', Reload |
Drunic Jezzail |
225gp |
4d4 |
140 |
Large |
Elf-Shooter, Custom Grip, Reload, Armour Piercing |
Mossling Woodlock |
40gp |
d12 |
100 |
Medium |
Bursting, Cone 6', Reload |
High-Rifle |
300gp |
2d8+2 |
140 |
Large |
Rifled (160′ / 240′), Reload, Armour Piercing |
SPECIAL NOTE: Adventuring, Dungeoneering and Firearms
A door with a normal lock can be automatically opened by shooting the lock off with any firearm, allowing the attackers to roll for Surprise as normal when entering combat unless they have already alerted the inhabitants on the other side.
Normal animals can be scared off by the report of a firearm, forcing them to immediately check morale with a penalty of -1 per firearm shot in the current round. Creatures of 4HD+ or of a monstrous nature (DM decides what qualifies as a monster or a natural creature) are unaffected.
Any round in which firearms are employed in a dungeon triggers an automatic wandering monster roll, as the noise and commotion attracts the dungeon's fearless and ferocious defenders.
New Weapon Qualities
Bursting: This firearm is not particularly well made, and if rolling either minimum or maximum damage it has burst its barrel and is rendered inoperable junk.
Cone #': These firearms fire a wide spray of projectiles. Attacks made with this firearm are not rolled, instead every target within a cone of the specified number of dungeon spaces may make a Save for half damage.
Custom Grip: This firearm has been specially made for its user, to fit their specific grip and proportions. It provides its creator with +1 to hit, in the hands of anyone else it has a 3:6 chance of reducing their to-hit by -1, 2:6 chance of no benefit, and 1:6 chance of fitting them perfectly, allowing them to benefit of the +1 to hit as if the original owner.
Elf-Shooter: This gun has a reinforced barrel that allows it to fire cold iron bullets without risk of damage. Firearms without this quality that are loaded with cold iron bullets (costing double that of lead, as per DPB, 119) are damaged on a natural 1 attack roll, suffering a cumulative -1 penalty to hit and damage until repaired by a capable gunsmith, normally costing 20% of the weapon's base value per -1 penalty removed.
Rifled: As Missile (DPB, 118) but it has no Long range category, only short (+1 Attack) and medium.
Weapon Descriptions
Prigwort Blunderbuss: Used by coachmen to protect carts carrying Prigwort's famous exports of ale and spirits on their journeys throughout the wood. Known for their comically wide flaring barrels designed to facilitate reloading while atop a rumbling cart fleeing pursuers at high speed.
Drunic Jezzail: Sometimes called "elf-shooters" by their cottager creators. Drunes sometimes take the mechanisms from muskets produced elsewhere and marry them to a extra-long reinforced barrels to allow them to endure firing slugs of hard, cold iron. Drunes make these guns just for themselves and their rare allies, and covet them almost as greedily as magic. They are usually heavily decorated by their owners with runes of spite and striking and strung with all manner of charms and talismans.
Mossling Woodlock: Maybe Dolmenwood's most unusual firearm, the mosslings make them from bored-out logs of hard woods like oak or cherry, wrapped tightly with sheets of leather or lengths of tarred rope to help contain the detonation. Ammunition is usually an assortment of pebbles, pinecones, hard nuts and wood chips, and propellant provided by the mossling's dampfire mould (see below), and ignited by a simple touch-hole and flame. These weapons are fairly shoddy and not expected to last many battles but are very effective at allowing a small group of mosslings to fend off much larger numbers, and as they are able to produce cheap propellant fairly easily are quite common among mossling militas.
High-Rifle: This sophisticated and elegant weapon is a legacy of High-Hankle's refined culture. Extremely accurate due to its rifling, long barrel and variable sights, it is intended for both sports hunting and for sniping ground targets from griffonback. High-Hankle's griffonriders have developed a special method for firing between their mount's wingbeats, making long, swivelling, tracking shots during their gliding periods.
Ammunition | Cost | Weight |
Gunpowder (20) | 25gp | 20 |
Bullets, cast lead (20) | 2gp | 20 |
Gunpowder, Dampfire (20) | 15gp | 20 |
Most firearms can be loaded with basically anything that will fit down the barrel - unless using special ammunition the only cost is for gunpowder.
Ammunition Descriptions
Gunpowder: Proper corned gunpowder, the end of the gongfarmer's trade that people don't laugh about. In case you were wondering, a loose pile of gunpowder will deal d6 damage in a 5' radius for every 10 shots worth of the stuff is present, with a Save permitted for half damage. For every 2d6 damage the radius of the explosion increases by 5'.
Bullets, cast lead: These are properly made, military grade bullets that have been cast in a special mold and carefully shaved with a sharp blade of any flashing that would seriously impede the bullet's flight. These minor masterworks grant a +1 to Attack.
Gunpowder, Dampfire: This is not true gunpowder, but rather a rare species of mould that is cultivated by some mossling communities. Scraped off and allowed to dry in the sun, this greasy black powder makes quite an acceptable cheap replacement for standard gunpowder. It detonates with a squeaky pop rather than a thunderous boom but it is no less loud for it. Dampfire is rare outside of mulchgrove. For every two hexes away from the region the likelihood of it being available drops by -1:6.