Originally intended to be GLOGTOBER content, but that ship has long since sailed, ho-hum.
Inspired by this incredible post (and excellent blog overall).
The sorcerers of old were ever searching of ways to transcend their feeble biology, to allow their bodies to match the transcendant powers their minds were able to encompass. Of these practices the rite of lichdom is by far the most enduring, but in the tombs of sorcerers who sought to expand their powers rather than prolong their lives can be found relics of another tradition - the replacement of mundane flesh with fantastical artifice.

d66 Eye Replacements
11. Adamant Orb: Completely indestructible, ignore any facial wounds that target this eye. You will never be permanently blinded while you have it.
12. Apatite Deciever: Brilliant blue faceted apatite. Allows you to cast an illusion over your face, letting your features appear however you wish.
13. Autochthonic Eye: Mummified eye of an elder race, like the serpentmen or gigantes, set in amber. Lets you read their language and understand the purpose and operation of their artifacts instantly by sight.
14. Balorian Marker: Emits an eye-wateringly bright but narrow red beam of light. Anyone you make eye contact with must save or be dazzled. If implanted on your dominant side, allows you to aim ranged weapons with startling accuracy (+2 to hit). Makes stealth impossible in the dark unless you wear a patch over it - the light is visible even through your eyelid.
15. Bibliographic Oculus: Marble orb, bound with brass rings, set with a quartz lens. Records up to five thousand pages worth of text that has been presented before it, allows you to recall it to your vision at will. Can function as a spellbook.
16. Cathexic Monitor: Polished welo opal, set with a ring of rosegold on one side to imitate a iris. Allows you to see how much emotional energy is invested in objects, by a roseate glow about them. Things nobody cares about are unlit, while something considered very important is limned with a rosy flame.
21. Clay Eye: Simple orb of fired river clay, with a stylus-marked sclera and pupil. Lets you identify the presence of motive force in animated objects, golems and the like without having to see them move.
22. Coalblack Sphere: Carved and resin-varnished coal, perfect in every detail right down to the veins on the surface of the eye. Staring at something intently and squinting causes it to catch fire as if a lit torch had been pressed up against it, thrice per day.
23. Daguerrotypic Lens: A sphere of polished tin, set with a dark lens of smoky quartz. Lets you perfectly memorize up to 15 images and recall them to memory. If implanted on the same side as your dominant hand, you can sketch or paint the scene from memory in photorealistic detail in a tenth of the time it would normally take an artist to depict.
24. Diamond Gaze: Faceted and uncomfortable, the socket it is placed in weeps metalic gold resin that collects like candlewax around the lower eyelid. You may determine the market value of gems automatically, and identify magical gems and jewellery.
25. Excogigating Oculus: A perfect sphere of hardened glass, within which can be seen moving thousands of intricate clockwork mechanisms and miniscule diamond lenses. Roll a d20 at the start of the day, at any time thereafter you may swap the result of this die with any other made by yourself or anyone within your field of vision.
26. Fane Orbit: Brass, with a cinnabar lens, intricately inscribed with minute Adamic script. Can be possessed by a noncorporeal being, allowing them to see through it and communicate telepathically with the wearer. The wearer gains the possessing being's visual abilities, if any.
31. Gorgonized Sphere: Polished granite, with a jagged vein of malachite running through like a serpent's slit-eye. Closing your other eye (if present) and looking through it alone makes you immune to the petrifying gazes of basilisks and medusae.
32. Hoarfrost Orb: Clear crystal sphere filled with a viscous liquid and flecks of silvery powder. The wearer's vision is not obscured by snow or fog, no matter how thick.
33. Habile Eye: Ivory inlaid with silver in geometric patterns radiating out from an aquamarine lens. Guides the bearer's hand-eye coordination, increasing their skill in delicate tasks such as trap-disarmament and similar tasks, as if they were a Thief of the 3rd level (or giving a Thief +3 levels worth of skill improvements in Climbing, Disarming and Lock Picking).
34. Isocratic Orb: A clear glass sphere, changes its surface to match exactly the wearer's original eye. Persons making eye contact with the wearer automatically assume them to be of equal social status to themselves, regardless of their current attire or familiarity, until given reason to suspect otherwise - at which point they may make a Save vs. Devices to shake off the enchantment.
35. Jacinth Apotropaic: Bright orange cabouchon with a cat's-eye reflectivity. Renders the bearer immune to disease-like curses such as mummy rot, lycanthropy and wasting sickness caused by a Bestow Curse spell and magically induced fear.
36. Karyote Stone: Looks like a bacterium the size of a grape, firm and slightly rubbery to the touch with organelles swimming within. When placed inisde the eye socket will slowly divide into smaller and smaller subdivisions over the course of a week, eventually forming a new biological eye of random colour and possibly belonging to another species, which divides once more to produce a copy of the stone.
41. Lachrymose Spherule: Marble with a bloodstone cornea. Once per day on command it will weep a single tear of an oily crimson fluid which will act as a Cure Disease potion to anyone who imbibes it within an hour of it forming, and emits a subtle scent in the immediate area which drives vampires and other blood-drinkers into a berserk frenzy, throwing off their human guises and bearing their snarling fangs openly.
42. Malediction Optic: Obsidian inlaid with minute geometric patterns of silver. Allows the wearer to percieve curses on beings and objects as floating achromatic notation in the language of bygone Koth. If the wearer doesn't speak Kothic they can still see curses in this way, but if they also speak the language it will provide details on the nature on the curse and has a 2:6 chance of revealing a non-spell method for removing the curse.
43. Nacreous Spheroid: A beautiful pearlescent orb, optical distortions on its surface give the impression of a rainbow-coloured swirling iris when viewed from the right angle. Amplifies the bearer's charisma to superhuman levels, doubling their hireling limit and loyalty and allowing them to cast Suggestion a number of times per day equal to their Charisma bonus, if any.
44. Numiform Eyecap: An ancient electrum 1 Obol coin, such as those placed over the eyes of the dead. Placed in an empty eyesocket it will affix in place and allow the bearer to see through the ghost of their lost eye. This ghost-eye can see into the spirit world and allows the bearer to percieve invisible undead.
45. Oriform Orbit: Horribly organic, looks like a ball of human gum-tissue with a double row of tiny teeth on one side. Unlike other eyes on this list it provides no replacement vision in the lost eye, however once in place the bearer may open the 'mouth' and if the eye of a dead being is placed in it the bearer may see through it, gaining any special vision modes they once possessed, or allow the Oriform Orbit to chew it up and eat it, allowing the bearer to see the last 5 seconds of the dead's life.
46. Paynim Ocule: Basalt, iris is an incised triskele. The bearer is able to read Ogham and has their alignment move one step toward Chaotic.
51. Quern Gaze: A short cylindrical ring rather than a sphere, granite with a borehole in the centre. Can exert a tortional force on whatever it is directed at, crushing it to a fine powder. This acts as a Disintegrate spell that only functions on brittle, non-living substances, thrice per day.
52. Relucent Cusp: Mirror-shined and featureless. Gives a 50% chance of reflecting back any gaze attacks directed against the bearer.
53. Sable Stone: A light-drinking black stone with a bright star at its centre acting as a pupil. Thrice per day it may absorb all light in a given area, acting as a Darkness spell. However, before the Darkness effect may be cast again, the absorbed light must be first expelled, either diffusely as a Light spell or as a penetrating beam of laser light - dealing 3d6 damage in a 120ft line, save vs. wands for no damage.
54. Setiferous Sensor: Resembles a fossilised sea urchin. When inserted into the eye socket it exudes spines in all directions, painfully embedding itself in the cavity beyond the capacity to be removed without a Regeneration or Heal spell to save the patient from dying in the process. While unsightly, it does provide the bearer with subtle senses beyond the limits of human perception - the bearer gains the ability to detect vibrations in the air produced by moving objects, giving them a 5:6 chance of detecting ambush and negating the attack bonus to sneak attacks.
55. Telestic Witness: Appears to be a piece of midnight sky fashioned into a sphere, with a tiny swirling nebula as its iris and a black hole as its pupil. Once per day permits the bearer to identify the exact nature and function of any kind of weird dungeon shit they find - magic mirrors, sinister altars, bottomless wells of chaos, that kind of jazz. No mucking about, just tell them exactly what it does.
56. Thelemic Monocule: A plain white marble marked with a hexagrammatic ideogram on one side. Acts as proof against any visually-induced mind control effects, such as Hypnotic Pattern or the entrancing gaze of a vampire.
61. Ultion Glare: Initially appears to be a nondescript glass eye that changes to mimic the bearer's original, but when in sight of monstrous humanoids it becomes a baleful slitted and bloodshot red, twisting the bearer's face involuntarily into a snarl and filling their mind with images of slaughter. The bearer gains a bonus equal to their level to damage against orcs, goblins, ogres, giants and other such marauding humanoids, exactly as a Ranger does. They automatically reroll any friendly result on reaction rolls with such creatures.
62. Vaticidal Oculus: Smoky quartz with a flower-spray inclusion of iron oxide at its core. The bearer is immune to any effect that alters luck, fate or probabilities, such as Bless/Bane or portent dice, seeming to step through impossible parabolas of time and space to disregard such oracular chicanery.
63. Willemite Revealer: A brilliant yellow-green gem. Permits the bearer to percieve strange radiations - including magic but explicity excluding curses and illusions - as flourescences within their field of vision, and with practice and experimentation to tell them apart.
64. Xylotomous Eye: Tungsten steel with a spiral screw-head pattern as its iris. Permits the bearer to see through wooden surfaces. Even a coating of paint will obstruct this sight, so it's less useful in seeing through buildings than might be expected but it could allow someone to spy through floorboards with great ease, and is exceptionally useful in spotting things hidden in a forest, granting a +2 bonus to surprise rolls in forested environments.
65. Yantra Stone: A brilliantly coloured enamel sphere covered with a circular geometric diagram. A Cleric who bears this eye treats their effective Wisdom as 4 points higher for purposes of determining bonus spells per day.
66. Zendic Orb: Gold-bright brass, set with the ideogram for "Truth" in the ancient tongue of High Acheron. Divine magic washes off the bearer like water from a duck's back, granting them 80% magic resistance against Clerical or Druidic spells.
d12 Tooth Replacements
1. Aeviternal Molar: A flawless recreation of an actual human molar (actually slightly larger than modern human, due to the creator having a greater concentration of neanderthal blood than is common in the present day), cast in indestructible black adamant. Grants the bearer immunity to the failure chance of potions of longevity - they can prolong their life indefinately though the use of such potions without the cumulative chance of the effect being reversed.
2. Aerobic Incisor: Coffee-brown and horribly pitted along the inner side. Produces enough oxygen to allow the bearer to survive without an external source of air as long as their airway is not obstructed (such as by being strangled).
3. Bacchanalian Cuspid: Carved from crimson Alexandrite. Allows the bearer to throw off the effects of drunkeness with a moment's thought and acts as a Neutralise Poison spell that only affects ingested toxins.
4. Canicidal Canine: Sharp, conical, formed of gray alien metal shot through with silvery streaks of unknown provenance. The bearer's bite injects a save-or-die poison on any dog or wolf-like creature, including werewolves, wolfweres, wargs and the like.
5. Demephitising Dental: A row of flanged and rugose alagdonite mandibular incisors. Purifies the bearer's breath, both inward - allowing them to ignore poisonous gasses and spores by simply breathing through the mouth - and out; eliminating halitosis.
6. Eclipsis Razor: A maxillary central incisor of titanium-capped cerulite. Allows the bearer to make their speech silent to specific individuals, as many as they choose - though they must be aware of them at the time this power is invoked.
7. Furibund Fang: Silver, longer and sharper than human and intricately cast with symbols of baying wolves, packed together tight as sardines. Allows the bearer to enter into a berserker rage, wherein they increase their To Hit and Melee Damage by +2, decrease their AC by -2, and gain 2d6 temporary hit points for 3 rounds. User must consume several handfuls of raw red meat before using this power again.
8. Grammarye Tusk: Ametrine lower canine, inset with a tiny silverwork shrine to Yig the serpent god. A magic-user with this tooth may once per day choose to increase one of the numerical variables of their spells (such as range or damage) by 50% before casting.
9. Hamartia Taster: An oddly sharp ammolite molar. By tasting the flesh of a creature you can determine any special vulnerabilities or resistances it has.
10. Irroborating Molar: Lead-gray and metallic. Grows into and through the bones of the user's skull, converting the bone into living steel. The bearer has a 2:6 chance of ignoring critical hits, due to the added internal protection.
11. Tentiginous Mandibular: Crystal-clear mellite incisor. Increases the bearer's Charisma by 2 points and allows them to cast Dominate by kiss once per day - only one target can be Dominated in this way at any given time, the prior victim being freed from influence if another is targetted.
12. Winterkill Fangs: Replaces both the user's maxillary canines with translucent white feldspar fangs. The bearer's breath mists in hot weather but doesn't in cold. Grants resistance to harm from cold weather, reduces damage from cold-based spells by half, and allows the bearer to breathe a Cone of Cold once per day per point of Constitution bonus.
d12 Fingernail Replacements
1. Batrachian Touch: Patterned like a poison arrow frog. The bearer's attacks inject lethal poison on a critical hit, requiring a save vs. death.
2. Drepanoid Talon: Squamous and reddish brown, like the back of a pangolin. On command extends into a curled sickle-blade. Acts as a dagger in melee combat, and gives the bearer advantage on grappling and climbing rolls.
3. Evirating Claw: Pointed and porcelain-like, shot through with pulsing crimson veins. With a touch the victim must save vs. death or suffer a great langour and muscular ache, reducing their melee damage by -4.
4. Foveate Plate: A plate of horribly pitted leaden metal, like the surface of the moon. Bestows 2d6 bonus hit points, rerolled each dawn, from a paramagnetic field encasing the bearer's skin.
5. Hastate Nail: Shaped like the head of an assegai, cast in dark bronze. The bearer's arm can extend 10ft with a whiplike speed, striking as a spear in melee combat.
6. Kinematic Claw: Mirror-shined and intricately inscribed with geometric diagrams. The bearer can perfectly replicate any hand motion they observe. Amongst other uses, this can allow them to copy a person's writing while observing them from a distance.
7. Nebulising Nail: Initially translucent and colourless, spotted along its surface with tiny pores. By touching it to a liquid substance the nail will absorb it, taking on the same colour. Thereafter it will emit the absorbed substance as a gaseous puff in a 90-degree 3' spray.
8. Obsidian Tecpatl: Razor-sharp and black as night, carved with a side-profile of a skeletal face, could easily cut through a binding rope with a minute's work. If dipped in the blood of a freshly-killed sapient humanoid, holds a charge that can be used to activate any other implant that has limited uses per day.
9. Puissant Finger: Silver-chrome and inset with the constellation Orion in tiny diamonds. The finger it is attached to can be slowly pressed through any solid surface like it was made of wet clay. Useless in combat as it must be pressed in the same place for a few seconds before it will take effect, but can make peep-holes or slowly cut through any surface less than a finger's thickness.
10. Quaffing Digit: Striated and porous like pumice. Allows the user to taste potions to determine their properties by placing their fingertip in the liquid. If tasting would ordinarily reduce the potency of the potion, it is not affected in this case, if the potion is poisoned, cursed or caustic the nail can be sacrificed instead of conferring its penalty to the victim - it turns black, shrivels up and drops off, allowing the victim's normal nail to eventually regrow.
11. Smiting Nail: Silvered, bearing the image of a warrior saint's deathmask. Once per day enwreathes a weapon held in the hand that bears the nail with a radiant silver flame, adding +2d4 damage to the next attack made with it and forcing the target to Save or be stunned with agony for 1 round.
12. Upheaving Claw: Black iron thumbnail, squared like a chisel. Endows the arm that bears it with tremendous strength for purposes of lifting only. The bearer could haul an oxcart off a trapped person one-handed but would not be able to carry it even a single step.