Friday, June 21, 2024

Base Matter Rendered Into Light - The Chandler's Grimoire

 Intended to accompany Skerple's components system here. Also maybe belated bandwagonning?

The High Chandlers are a curious case in the use of the synthesist's craft, focusing more on combining their spell components beforehand according to proscribed patterns than the usual whimiscally slap-dash witchcraft seen in those who practice this typically rustic form of spellworking. Perhaps for this reason their guild managed to reach much higher degree of respectability than that of others who employ the craft, not as vaunted as the magi of the Word, but at least on par with the Alchemists. 

A Chandler's workspace is as full of bric-a-brac as any other component-caster, just a bit more homogenous.

Benefits of candle magic;
While somewhat constrained compared to conventional witchcraft, candle magic is not without its compensations, and they are significant;

  1. Component Space Efficiency: A completed magic candle takes up only one slot in a magician's component pouch but functions as two for the sake of the spell it was made for.
  2. Candle Charms: A prepared candle can be given to another to use. The chandler must charge it with their own spell points beforehand, which remain committed until either the candle is used or the chandler chooses to withdraw their power - whichever comes first. The roll to see if the next casting will require more spell points is made by the person who ignites the candle and applies to them, not the chandler. e.g. a chandler creates a charged candle for a client that normally costs the chandler 1 spell point to cast, the client burns the candle and rolls a 5 - the next time the client needs a candle of that type it will cost 2 spell points to charge, but if the chandler wanted to use that candle spell themselves it would still only cost them 1 spell point. In this fashion chandlers are able to sell the same spell effects to different clients for many years without losing the power needed.
  3. Candle Duration: Most candle spells can be made optionally to last as long as the candle is lit, ending only when the candle burns out or is extinguished. A typical spell candle is about the size of a birthday candle and lasts 30 minutes, but larger candles can be made at greater cost - simply multiply the cost of materials and the component size to determine the duration. Giant pillar candles often have multiple wicks to minimise the chance that all will be accidentally extinguished at once, which ends the magic, while smaller ones are best kept in lanterns. Note that candle-spells made without this option instead burn with an inextinguishable cold flame that consumes the components contained in the candle by the time the spell's duration has elapsed.

A Candle to Find a Murderer
Take thee tallow taken from a good scenthound, one that has been trained by a hunter is good, one that has been trained by a hunter of men is best. Render it well and colour and scent it to your liking. For the wick, fashion it from a cord unwound from a hangman's rope. If intending to use the candle's spell yourself no further measures need be made, but if passing it to one of the uninitated as a charm add a drop of your blood to the tallow and a thread of your hair to the cord to lend it potency. Dip the wick and chant thusly once between coating; 

Find for vengence, find for hope, find for justice, find for rope.

I have been vouchsafed that the spell is more eficacious if spoken in the phlegmatic tongue of Oldenwael, but I cannot confirm the truth of this. To complete the spell, cut the victim's name into the wax and light - the candle's flame and smoke shall be as a compass needle for their slayer.

A Candle to Cleanse a Sickhouse
Take thee finest beeswax of purest white, as are in high demand by the temples. Melt it well and remove from the flame, before it begins to cloud add one tenth its weight in essence of lavender, some use oil of verbena to the same effect but it has never worked for me and in any case is not as strongly scented or noble, for the lavender was brought to our land by the men of the imperium whose works can reliably be considered superior to native ways. It is not suitable to cloud the wax with your blood if giving the candle to another, instead double-strengthen the wick with a thread of your robe and a hair of your head instead to lend it your potence - the wick is of no concern in this spell and I favour hemp or barkcloth cord to recoup the expense of the wax and essence. To complete the spell, light the candle while exclaiming "Avaunt, avaunt, unclean winds and spirits!" You will know it has worked if the circle of your flame's light is free of dustmotes and other airborne spores, which it will drive before it like a wind. No man who carries such a candle will contract the pox, nor will he choke on bad winds, even if he were to luncheon in a plague ward. If burned beside the bed of a patient they will not spread their sickness to others and may recover at greater speed.

The Leyndell Perfumers were forefront in my mind when thinking of Chandler Lore.

A Candle to Walk Unseen At Night
Take thee common tallow and blacken it with soot - I have heard tell that some use the tallow of cats instead but those who request this are like to be low sorts and unwilling to part with the coin such costly materials demand, but it may prove efficaceous. On the wick one cannot scrimp, however; only the spun threads of a thiefs' cloak will suffice (this your client may be able to supply themselves, charge them not a whit less!). Dip it in silence and darkness, by touch and familiarity of your workplace - it matters not if the result is unbeautiful. Empower with blood and hair as standard, but beware - any diviner worth their lamen can find you by it, so pick your clients wisely and the foolish and unfortunate deny. When the candle is lit and the spell is completed, only the bearer of the candle will be able to see the light it casts.

A Candle to Cast a Shadowy Death
Take thee the tallow of a werewolf, the bloodier its reign of terror before being felled the better for this purpose - this alone should warn you of the dire nature of this spell, which we do not reveal to outsiders or offer in sale to any clients besides the King and his appointed agents. Some say a female werewolf produces a slyer killer while a male a more fierce one, but this may be mere chatter - the fat of a werewolf that died of old age however is a fearsome reagent indeed! Render it well and colour and scent to your liking. For the wick take a silken strangler's cord, sometimes called a garotte in the cities of the east, and snip it free of its handles or thumb-loops. Adding too much of yourself to such a candle is, I feel, unwise and may lead to the spell being confused as to its target - if making it for another add no more than one of your hairs and one thread of your robe - NEVER blood such a candle! To complete the spell, carve the name of the intended victim into the wax and fix their image in your mind as you light the wick, saying "O, beast of smoke and shadows, I call on you to hunt!". You will see that the candle flame casts a shadow antipodal to your own, one of bestial caste and terrible swiftness, like the moving image created by a zoetrope. This will hunt your target unerringly and though it be made of shadows - and proof against blades and all mortal weapons besides fire - it can yet tear and rend flesh and wood alike as if it were solid. It will fix its attentions on the target, ignoring all others save those that try to rise in its quarry's defence or those who through flame or sorcery deal it injury.

This is how Chandlers would look as a Soulsian enemy (or NPC merchant?)

A Candle to Sting the Eyes of Darksome Beasts
Take thee wax harvested from a hive that has stung to death a mammal or a reptile of any size (cage together a mouse and the hive if you must), melt it well and colour and scent to your liking - crimson is traditional and auspicious for this work, but not necessary. The wick must be made of nettle fibre cord, easily found and harvested in summer once the nettle-tips are no longer good for eating. Dip the wick whilst speaking this Undercommon malediction between each coating;

Mong bạn nhìn thấy ánh sáng.

I do not know the meaning of this phrase myself, but I am assured that creatures of the dark places of the world consider it a dire and terrible curse. Add two parts of yourself to the mix if intended for a client; blood, hair or thread, it matters not. When lit, the candle will burn with a terrible piercing bright red flame. Those creatures that have the faculty such that they may see clearly by night will find this light especially painful and turn their faces from it as if put pepper in their eyes. Doubly so for those creatures who fear the light of the sun, who will be driven before the candle's light shrieking as if lashed by the whips of hell.

A Fulminating Candle to Dismay a Foe
Take thee tallow from a fighting bull, one which has gored a matador is best but not strictly necessary as long as it has fought on the sands. The wick must be wooden, made of lighting-struck oak, soaked in oil and allowed to dry in sunlight - olive is best, but any will suffice. The tapers should be small and fit well in the palm of the hand, with enough weight to be thrown a goodly distance. Colour and scent to your liking - be sure to pick a memorable combination! Dire results could come from mixing up this candle with others! Brightest saffron yellow and the scent of long pepper and grains of paradise are traditional. To employ, light the candle and cast it forth from your person immediately. Within five heartbeats of its lighting it will burst forth with a blast of light and buffeting force such to knock an armoured man from his feet and cast him back five paces. A foeman can so be rendered momentarily blind and dazed, ripe for the misericorde.

When you travel in dark places, carry a light.

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Base Matter Rendered Into Light - The Chandler's Grimoire

 Intended to accompany Skerple's components system here . Also maybe belated  bandwagonning ? The High Chandlers are a curious case in t...