Thursday, June 17, 2021

They wander in darkness seeking light - Occult Secret Agent (GLOG Class)

9.THE HERMIT.--Prudence, circumspection; also and especially treason, dissimulation, roguery, corruption. Reversed: Concealment, disguise, policy fear, unreasoned caution.

Class: Occult Secret Agent
Every template you have in this class gives you +1 to Sneaking, the first and third also give you +1 To Hit and the second and fourth give you +1 Defence. You can wear light armour and cannot fumble with pistols, daggers, tasers, sniper rifles and occult implements.

Starting Skill: 1. Sleight of hand 2. Occultism 3. Cryptography 4. Security 5. Psychology 6. Athletics

Starting Equipment: A consecrated dagger (can deal damage to things that can't normally be hurt, until it is used to hurt something which normally can, after which it is a normal dagger), a light handgun and three magazines of ammunition, an outlandish costume that nobody comments on, set of lockpicks, pack of cards.

A: Transparency, Practice
B: Projection, +1 Practice
C: Ars Memoriae, +1 Practice
D: Invisible Master, +1 Practice

A: Transparency
As long as you are standing still or in a crowd of people nobody will notice you unless you want them to. People who know you are there and are actively looking for you can still see you but have a Templates-out-of-6 chance to fail to see you even then. Once they have noticed you, this ceases to apply until you are next out of their line of sight. In addition, nobody thinks you look out of place or finds your appearance unusual, no matter what you're wearing, though others who they describe you to might.

A: Practice
You start with 1 level in a magical Practice of your choice. Each time you gain another template you gain another Practice at level 1 and increase the level of all your previous Practices by 1.

B: Projection
You can astrally project your subtle body, leaving your physical body behind in a comatose state. Your subtle body can go anywhere you have seen before instantly, move through walls at your normal walking speed as long as they're not consecrated or magnetic, and see things in the spiritual and material worlds at once. Because only your left hemisphere is engaged while astrally projecting it can't tell people apart by their faces, read or remember written text or symbols, or understand spoken proper nouns, though it could tell people apart by, for example, distinctive elements of their dress.

C: Ars Memoriae
You gain perfect eidetic memory and build an astral Memory Palace in which you can store information securely, it contains as many vault spaces as you have templates in this class. When you store information in one of these vaults you lose conscious knowledge of it and specify a condition under which the vault is unlocked, at which point you regain the memory. While stored in your memory vault the knowledge is inaccessible even to the most powerful forms of mind reading and divination. Trying to unlock a memory vault before its unlocking condition is met destroys the information within.

You can store spells in your memory vaults, which are cast when the vault is unlocked. A spell cast in this way is cast with as many MD as the vault spaces you devote to it, you do not gain any MD back. Use the Mishaps and Dooms chart of whatever kind of wizard the spell came from, you can have Dooms from multiple sources.

D: Invisible Master
You perform your final initiation, becoming one of the hidden directors of your conspiracy. The first effect of which is that your identity is forgotten by everyone apart from the other Invisible Masters and the individuals you name at the time of the rite. You become a data ghost, anyone trying to connect you to any official records automatically fails. These records can still exist, so you can still keep a bank account and make a hotel reservation, but such information is only accessible to others as long as it is convenient to you.

You can issue one order per session which will be passed down the chain to a lower-ranking agent team and when astrally projecting can enter your conspiracy's Astral Fortress, a secure location where you can talk with other Invisible Masters with no chance of being eavesdropped on.

When you die, you are guaranteed to reincarnate and regain your full memories and powers at some point between your 14th and 21st birthday, though if you are killed before this point any subsequent incarnations will start from scratch.

Finally, you get told the inner secret of your conspiracy and told their true purpose;


No Agent can be fully proficient in all Practices, it is recommended that different members of a cell specialise to cover the weaknesses of their co-conspirators.

Astrological Talismans
For each level you have in this Practice, you can empower one talisman (a disk of one of the astrological metals, inscribed with a complex sigil) per day to perform one of the following feats;

  • Make you truly invisible for as long as you hold it clenched in your hand. Once you use the hand for anything else the talisman loses its power.
  • See anything invisible as long as you keep it pressed to your forehead. Once you stop holding it to your forehead the talisman loses its power.
  • Breathe underwater for as long as you keep it in your mouth. Once you spit it out the talisman loses its power.
  • Bend metal - and only metal - like it was made of wet clay for as long as you keep it clenched in your teeth. Once you stop clenching the talisman loses its power.
  • Place it on a corpse to ask it up to three questions the person it was knew in life. They can lie. Once you've asked three questions the talisman loses its power.
  • Press its sigil into a door (must be a door of a relatively soft material, like wood or PVC), then press it into another and step through - you will arrive through the other door bearing the imprint. After one trip the talisman loses its power.
Talismans must be created beforehand or purchased, they can be re-empowered and used again later. You may create more than one of the same kind if you wish

You can project mesmeric waves to influence lesser minds. Anyone with more HD than you have levels in Mesmerism gets a bonus to their Save equal to the difference, or they are placed into a suggestible state where you can do one of the following;
  • Make them forget up to [Mesmerism] events or specific pieces of data.
  • Make the remember up to [Mesmerism] events that did not occur.
  • Make them believe up to [Mesmerism] statements to be true, until presented with evidence to the contrary.
  • Implant one command of up to [Mesmerism] words long, to be triggered by an event you specify.
If the subject of your Mesmerism ever succeeds a Save, you may not make any further attempts against them. You can use any of the above on yourself as long as you have a mirrored surface large enough to see your whole face in.

For each level of Invocation you possess, you can create a new identity to inhabit. These identities must be things you can give a short, iconic name to, like "The Doctor", "The Banker" or "The Soldier". To Invoke an identity you must be bearing a symbol that represents it. This can be a tool of the trade like a stethoscope for a doctor, or even a purely symbolic representation like a shield-shaped tie tac for a cop. While Invoking another identity, others will perceive you as being a member of that identity and you gain a new Skill and any proficiencies in anything that identity would possess. You can swap out one of your current identities for another with a week's work, involving meditation in a room filled with symbols of the desired identity.

If you possess Invocation 4, you can swap out templates in this class for any other by Invoking that class. You lose access to any abilities or Practices besides Invocation swapped out while wearing this identity.

For each level of Consecration you possess, you can empower one of the following occult tools;

Pentacle - Lets you see as if you were standing at any point you have been before or is in your line-of-sight, allowing you to look around corners, check if your hotel room contains an ambush or eavesdrop on what someone is reading, for example.

Weapon - Traditionally a sword or dagger, but these days often a Walther PPK. Can harm things that normally can't be, like astrally projecting agents, ghosts and some kinds of magical being.

Cup - Can convert a spell into a potion that is discharged upon the next person to drink it.

Wand - Can contain up to 1 Magic Die per level of Consecration, recharged by sacrificing 1d6 HP per die, and one spell. Loading a spell into the wand requires a written source, like a spellbook or scroll.

In addition, you can Consecrate a room with a 10 minute of ritual to make it impervious to scrying, and impassable to astrally projecting beings. You an convert a vessel of water to holy water with a moment's incantation.

You can automatically dispel any magical effect or summoned entity that you are aware of as long as its or its creator's HD or the MD used to create it (whichever's lower) doesn't exceed your level in Banishment. If it does, it gets a bonus on its Save equal to the difference (use the creator's Save for spells and effects).


  1. Ok, this is cool. If the Occult Secret Agent is the caster-class, what are the thief-class and fighter-class of this hack?

    I propose: Genius Inventor, and Biological Weapon.

    1. Interesting ideas! I'll have a think about these. I like the Biological Weapon idea especially, could fit that easily into the sames structure as Practices.


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