Sunday, May 23, 2021

Magic items for Sorcerers

 Wizards get wands, scrolls & potions, what do sorcerers get?

Jewelled Amulet, MTG Basic

Take a large gemstone - no, bigger...bigger...BIGGER! - stare into it like the kind of madman who can bend the world over his soul, realign its atomic structure until it resonates with your will. A soulstone has a capacity of 1SD per 200gp of the gem's value, up to a maximum equal to your number of Sorcerer templates. Once per day you can spend an hour staring really fucking hard at your soulstone to give it 1SD. This counts as a use of your sorcererous powers for determining your current Instability Dice.

The SD stored in a soulstone can be used for two purposes - either added to the [sum] and [dice] of a sorcerous effect or to offset Instability Die gains for increasing the scope and duration of sorcerous effects. 

A sorcerer can only have one soulstone at a time, if they try to take another the stones get jealous and refuse to work at all until the sorcerer chooses a favourite.

Disrupting Scepter, MTG 7th edition

A sorcerer is royalty of the soul, a sceptre helps the world to get the message and fall in line behind the idea. A sceptre is attuned to either Harm, Alter or Create. When a sorcerer with a sceptre creates an effect that utilises the sceptre's attunement, they can freely expand the effect's scope (targets, duration, etc.) as if they had added +1 Instability Die. This does not add any additional Instability dice to future Soul Casting rolls. More elaborate sceptres might add +2 or even +3, though these are generally the property of ludicrously megalomaniacal sorcerer-kings and quickly dismantled and their pieces scattered to the bottom of various forgotten and haunted places by their relieved subjects after their deaths.

Black Lotus, Posted by u/mj3017

The lotus in its many varieties - most notably the black, yellow, golden and purple - has long been cultivated in sorcerous gardens for its narcotic properties and processed into incenses, resins, liquors and essences. Whatever the method the sorcerer chooses, a dose of lotus costs about 1gp and the trip lasts about 15 minutes - it's a bit like a DMT, though much less disorienting as it doesn't cause hallucinations at all, instead it polishes clean a sorcerer's spiritual eye. A sorcerer who does not have soul vision gains it while under the influence of lotus, a sorcerer who does have soul vision can reroll 1 Instability die per turn.

Sorcerers often try to outdo eachother with the extravagance of their lotus consumption. Click below for how your sorcerer prefers to get hepped up on goofballs (made with;

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