Thursday, June 3, 2021

As Easy as Breathing - a GLoG Magos Order

 This being my riff off of Locheil's excellent Magos, possibly my favourite variant on the classic GLoG Wizard.

Spirits: Aurai
Skill: Singing
Augury: Ornithomancy
Jewelry: Lapis pectoral
Robes: Sky-blue and gold
Ritual Item: Sistrum

The Pneumates command the Aurai, nymphs of cooling, helpful, life-giving winds near the earth that fill sails, ease labours, and bring calm, rational thought. The Aurai are the daughters of the Titan called Breath.

They take for their symbol the Honey Bee and its geometric combs; most industrious and orderly of all creatures of the air.

The Pneumates began as the students of the great philosopher Xarathinious who took up the study of Evocation to help forestall what he had determined to be the inevitable decline of the universe into the primal Chaos it was birthed from. For this reason they are sometimes called philosopher-magoi, but generally not around philosophers unless the speaker wants to be rude.


1. Metréos (Measure)
A delicately featured aurae, with mirror-silver eyes and a voice as clear as a crystal bell. She bears a scales in one hand and a cubit-rod in the other. She is succinct, even-handed, conservative and prefers to listen rather than talk, but when she does speak her advice is invariably wise.

Metréos can be called upon to answer [sum] questions related to mathematics, weights, measures and sums with flawless accuracy. If placed in charge of calibrating an artillery piece that would normally require no more than [dice] operators she can guarantee that its next shot will land unerringly on-target as long as the target is within the weapon's range, no matter how small or awkward it is to hit.

2. Aethyia (Diver)
A buxom nereid, with seafoam hair, salt for perfume and a sailor's easy humour. She is loud, irrepressible and knows a story for every port on the sea.

Aethyia can kiss someone to grant them inexhaustible breath, letting them go without breathing for [sum]+[dice] minutes before they start having to actually even try to hold their breath. During this time they can even share their breath with others by mouth-to-mouth without diminishing the time of the Work.

3. Nenemos (Calm)
An almost transparent female figure, discernable only by the drops of dew that gather on her skin and hair. She is even, rational and unhurried.

Nenemos can banish excited emotions, such as fear or anger. If such emotions are the result of magic or the powers of supernatural creatures then she can remove them for [dice] individuals per evocation. Naturally induced emotions, such as a crowd brought to riot, are much easier to still, affecting [sum] individuals instead. Those whose emotions have been stilled by Nenemos feel a sense of wistful serenity, and are inclined to careful action and rational debate within the limits of their intellect.

4. Leksenoria (Converser)
A marble-white aurae clad in a chiton that looks cut from the noonday sky, ever with a bundle of scrolls under one arm. She is precise, loquacious and a stimulating conversationalist.

Leksenoria can carry a message of up to [sum] words to anyone the Magos knows or has the name and good description (at least 3 details) of, and return with a message from them of equal length as long as there is no airtight barrier between them. She cannot deliver messages to or from the dead in the underworld - she is honourbound not to tread on the toes of the psychopompos - but if the Magos happens to know a living person who is currently in the underworld, she can even ferry messages back and forth between them.

5. Omiklé (Mist)
A full-figured nephele with opalescent hair as soft as flax and almost translucent skin, with shifting patterns like smoke beneath. She is clad in naught but a many-pleated chlamys of silver. She is shy, poetic and dramatic.

The Magos mimics Omiklé in taking a deep breath and blows out a thick, opaque fog either surrounding or adjacent to you covering a [dice] x 10' radius area. If cast with 4 or more MD, the Magos can still see through the fog, though nothing else can without magical aid.

6. Hexis (Cohesion)
A powerful hesperide, with skin the colour of a winter's sky and the defined muscles of an athlete. Garbed for war in breastplate and helm, but bearing only a shield and no spear. She is stoic, critical and clear-spoken.

Hexis will increase the toughness and durability of any inanimate matter you command her to. [dice] articles of clothing can be turned into the equivalent of chainmail for [sum] minutes. Alternatively, [dice] inventory spaces worth of items can be granted the hardness and rigidity of iron-banded oak. Hexis can even remove cohesion from matter if she wishes, making an equivalent sum of matter as soft as sponge and wet clay, or negating the protective value of [dice] pieces of armour.

7. Tonos (Tension)
A slight, rail-thin nymph, painted in shades of misty white and lead. Always in dance; something between a slow, impossibly delicate ballet and a contortionist's performance. She is curt, distant and unflappable.

 Tonos will hold [sum] objects in place as if they were set in stone, regardless of whether there is anything currently supporting them. Large objects may count as several for the sake of this calculation, but if a section of wall was about to fall on you and you rolled enough [sum] to cover each brick that would have hit you, Tonos could hold up any of the rest that were on top of them. She will hold the objects still for up to [dice] hours, and will take requests - if you want her to drop her load once someone you specify walks underneath them, she'll do so.

8. Toxalkés (Bow-Mighty)
Her face is almost always obscured by her hair the colour of cut iron, whipped by the winds that are constantly blowing at her back. In her left hand she carries a bow of cedarwood, in her right a bundle of arrows. She is fierce, observant and almost too knowledgeable when it comes to weapons.

Toxalkés can either launch a 20' cone of arrows before the Magos, dealing [sum] damage to everything in the area, with those who bear a shield being permitted a save for half damage, or fire a single arrow at any target the Magos can see for [sum]+[dice] damage, no save. She has a habit of giggling and whispering "boom, headshot" to herself, which unnerves some Magoi.

9. Zoios (Living)
A youthful figure that appears like a cloud of dustmotes caught in a humanoid sunbeam, only briefly cohering into a face, a hand, the hem of a chiton, before exploding into another whirl of motion. 

Zoios can breathe life and animation into inanimate objects, granting them a degree of volition. The Magos cannot fully control what the objects do, but can pick a strong emotion to imbue into them at the moment of Evocation, which they can generally be relied to act upon. Even complex emotions like "amorous intent" or "violent hatred of satyrs" are acceptable. The degree of motion that an animated object has is dependent on its construction; cloth, rope and other flexible materials are very fast and agile, moving like manta rays and snakes, wooden items are quick but jerky, tables hop like newborn foals, stone moves like wood but moreso - faster and jerkier, walls rearrange themselves in segments like living tetris, metal is pondrously slow but smoothly constant and mechanisms work as fast and well as they could when operated.
The items remain animated for [sum] minutes. The larger the object animated, the more dice are required. Something you could lift with one hand costs 1MD, if you'd have to shift it on your back it takes 2MD, if you'd need a friend's help it takes 3MD and if you would need a team of labourers to budge it it takes 4MD. If the size of labour force starts to approach "army" rather than team, that's 5 or more MD.

10. Chalinos (Bridler)
A tall auloniad, ever walking lightly on the balls of her feet, poised to cast the lariat of silver cord she carries, her face stern and eyes bright and focused. She is a strict disciplinarian, and laconic of speech, but hides a caring heart.

Chalinos can bind the wills of others to your command by ensnaring them with her lariat.  If the creature has HD greater than or equal to [dice], it may add the difference to its save.  If it has a HD greater than or equal to 2x [dice], it is immune to the Work and automatically passes. The subject will obey any command the Magos gives them that they understand, unless it is blatantly suicidal or would be similarly life-destroying (murdering their own family members, confessing to a capital crime), in the former case they automatically refuse, in the latter they may make another save to throw off the Work. 

Chalinos can only bind one subject at a time (she only has one lariat), and if she binds another the previous subject is automatically released, otherwise they are bound until they succeed a save or the Magos withdraws her power or dies.

11. Hólos (Complete)
An leimoniad with the bearing of an Empress, accompanied by a procession of attendant spirits. Her diadem is the last glimmer of sunset, her robe the golden sparkle of a field of barley rippling in the wind, her cloak the cool shade of a cypress, her merest glance banishes worry and regret. She is patient, kind and wise beyond measure. She knows how good you could be, were the world a better place.

Hólos' touch can restore what is ruined to wholeness, restoring [sum] points of damage to anything, living or inanimate. If at least 2 dice are invested, this will also remove any one instance of poison,  natural disease or limb loss from a living being, and undo rust or corrosion from objects. If at least 4 dice are invested, this will also remove any one curse, magical disease, or birth defect from a living being, and restore even objects reduced to dust and ashes to their former state.

12. Apeiron (Infinite)
Appearing as a hollow eyeless statue of an idealised woman made of an unstainable, lead-grey foil, Apeiron is believed to be the Pneumates oldest spirit, indeed she may be as old as matter itself. She is arch, cold to the point of robotic and utterly disinterested in matters of the spirit.

Apeiron can make [dice] items impervious to the passage of time. They do not rot, decay or otherwise break down from their present state and if damaged will very slowly return to the state they were in when she was Evoked. If 4MD are spent, this can even affect living beings, which become immortal and unchangeable for as long as her Work remains undisturbed.

Apeiron is also able to create matter ex nihilo, up to [sum] inventory spaces worth of any raw, unworked, mundane matter of your choosing. This can be in the form of a single, relatively simple solid shape, like a wall or a column, but not in the form of any kind of finished goods. You can even summon nuggets of gold or rough jewels, but the masters of the Order regularly check with Apeiron if any of their members have done so, and if you haven't got a good reason they will hunt you down and beat you with sticks. Apeiron will always rat you out, she doesn't think not to.

At 5 or more Hubris, you are constantly surrounded with a lashing wind that plays at your clothes. It looks very dramatic, makes you appear windswept and interesting and even keeps you cool, but anyone who knows about your Order will be able to recognise it as soon as you are indoors. That, and it's a bugger to keep a candle or unguarded lamp lit.

At 10 or more Hubris, your voice and every sound you make acquires an echo, forcing you to roll even the simplest attempt at stealth with disadvantage. Your singing sounds autotuned. You do become immune to airborne toxins and diseases though, and it's even more impressive when you do have something to say.

At 15 or more Hubris, your skin takes on a glassy, translucent quality, like polished marble and the colour drains from your flesh, eyes and hair, leaving you resembling an unpainted statue. Passion becomes increasingly alien to you, and you have trouble understanding motivations that are not rooted in intellect, giving you disadvantage on any rolls requiring empathy or intuition. You never panic and always behave rationally, and so cannot be surprised in combat. 

At 20 Hubris, you become entirely abstract, voiceless and visible only to spirits, other Pneumates at this level of Hubris and Magoi with the ability to percieve invisible beings. You cannot interact with the world of matter save to passively observe it.

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